
Last service in Marikina

Our last meeting is over for this time in Marikina. There have been some admirable days with our friends. The last two meetings were used as an introduction to the understanding and use of Spiritual gifts, how to expect and administer these gifts in the new Testament Church. There were many references from the Scripture and from our own lives, about the motivation and expectation that the Lord required of the believer; so that the spiritual gifts can be active in the Christian Church. It is a happy and open assembly, and several friends came up for prayer.

It is a happy and open assembly, and several friends came up for prayer

It is in many ways a young congregation. It is an audience with many young people who now stand at the threshold to be used by the Lord in many ways. So if they have the ability to focus right and lay their lives in His hands, then they will be able to experience direct inspiration and guidance; that can put the spiritual expectation in focus in an exciting and life-giving way. This applies to all groups of believers, of course, but during these meetings these words became a focus in a special way.

I hope I was able to formulate words in such a way that it can create the intimate anticipation and dialogue that makes Christ’s church different from the rest of this world. Not to distance themselves from this world, but to be the light that the world needs, so they are without excuse when the day comes. If they reject it then they knew at least what they said no to when the offer came to them.

Christianity can create a horrible macabre self destructive picture

Christianity can create a horrible macabre self destructive picture, through a deliberate falsification of true Christianity. We have the crusaders’ horrible wars in the Middle Ages. We have the Catholic persecution of different minded believers, where they took the lives of nearly 70 million people in the dark ages.

True christianity will survive and the false collapse like a house of cards

One can take up many examples. Most important is; that the true faith and immersion in the Lord is not choked on the alter of suspiciuosness. Counterfeit bank notes are eventually revealed by displaying the real bank notes. False Christianity is revealed in the same manner. The real will survive and the false collapse like a house of cards. Well, watchman, how far have we come in the night? It is always necessary with self examination. God bless you all.
