We’re in Davao

Time flies and we have already come to Davao. It’s Friday afternoon and we have been out for lunch with Nestor and Grace Sullano Munez. We started our meetings yesterday, and followed up with the topic that we had in the prison of San Fernando. No meetings are exactly alike and the stories attached; and monitoring of a subject will often follow the different needs that are present; at the different locations you are ministering the Word. I often receive stories related to the spiritual situation during the preaching, but they can vary from place to place.

The friends here in Davao has made great improvements on their Church, and has now also installed air conditioning, so the temperature that normally was above +30 C, has come down to more normal ranges. Previously they had no windows, so it was open doors and windows with fans blowing to get some circulation. The music was also a blessing. Our friends sang with vigor and to me; an enhanced music system. It was a wonderful experience to sit surrounded in this sound of music. Maybe it was just me, as a musician who had this feeling, but that’s how i experienced it. I have been involved in all different kinds of praise. I know that it is not the quality of the instruments that make up how well a meeting will be. I’ve been in meetings with rhythmic empty oil cans with sand and small stones, wooden sticks or wooden bricks that are used to turn rhythm, yes sawblade, lumber and washboard. Not to forget akapella, voices of worshipers. The important thing is that those who praise the Lord does it in spirit and truth.

The important thing is that those who praise the Lord does it in spirit and truth

Now we going into a new weekend and there is expectation in the crowd. There are also diseases among some of our friends. One of the older brothers who we met back in 1996, is now in the hospital with kidneys collapsed and must have regular dialysis to live on. I also get reports on different needs among our friends at home and otherwise out in the big world. Many friends come face to face with major challenges. What we can do is to keep them up before the Lord and ask for His grace and power over their physical and mental battles. Others give reports of victory in healings, where the Lord has intervened and delivered them from their sickness. In all, we thank the Lord that we can add our prayers to Him. My hope is that He more and more will show his grace, and intervene in all areas, and that no despair; however large the spiritual mountains may seem to be to the individual, will overcome and take the joy away from the suffering soul. God bless you all.
