We’re headed for Zambia

We are back online again. Thursday we started our journey North towards Zambia. From Harare it is around 400 km to the border. Our transport was supposed to get us around 8-9 o’clock but arrived 11.30. That’s what we call African time. We arrived Zambia at 4.30pm. Our company who was to receive us at the border, had been there since 12, waiting on us. But due to car problems we came in late. We were taking farewell with our Zimbabwe team whom we have enjoyed very much for the last month. Bro. Matimbe is a true dedicated servant of Christ, and we are honored to be able to work with him.

Our Zambian team was waiting on the other side of the border, and after our passport check and procedure, we were ready for the next chapter. Just before leaving Zimbabwe, we had to travel through a national park and game resort. They told us there were wild life with lions and elephants and all sorts of animals there. I looked around while we were driving, but did not see much of it from the car. Two antelopes stood by the road watching us as we passed by, but the rest of them were hiding in the bushes.

Our next contact was bro. Chrispine Mawino, one of the ministers who preached during Harare convention. We drove up towards Lusaka, but took another road west to a City called Choma, which is half way towards the city of Livingstone and the Victoria falls. We made it pretty late in the night, and may have travelled around 700 km that day.

Friday we had our first experience with the believers here in Zambia. In the afternoon we went a few miles outside Choma to a Church where we met another minister who also preached in the Harare convention. It was bro. Gilbert. They had just built another building which was still not done by any means, and they had no electricity in the building yet. So we had Church there from around 4pm and into the dark.

Grace told me that this message was probably one of the best illustrated sermons she had experienced on the restoration of the bride of Christ. Bro. Mawino was my interpreter and he was so happy about the message. He told me that such a message should have been ministered around six times, to be able to be imprinted into to the mind of the believer, so they don’t forget it.
I always touch on the three stages of the Elijah ministry to illustrate the furtherance of the Gospel that we stand for in our day. It is not yet over. I also took the restoration of Jerusalem and the Exodus to show that these things were not done in a few months.

The problem that the people are facing today, is the fact that many years has passed by and nothing seems to be happening. But time itself is one of the best instruments in testing if we have really understood the message of our day.

I ministered a message some years ago on “Time will prove consistency or falling away.” That is more true than ever. Lately I hear about ministers who are giving up their faith in what they have stood for in years. A revelation is still a revelation, and the Word of God never changes. I pray we can get some of them back upon the highway to Glory. It takes more than just reading and studying the message, it takes the Indwelling power of God to wake us up and get us going.

I just pray that we like King David will be able to respect the anointing that God has pored on others, and take our hands away from the spirit of mockery when others fall by the wayside. Time is drawing close and we need to be very humble in our drive and attitude today.

We meet a friendly atmosphere here in Zambia. It is a good feeling, and it looks like the differences in color don’t effect the people as much as in other parts of Africa. May be mr. David Livingstone put a very good example ship back in his day, and helped the people here to be more patient towards each other
We are enjoying our new quarter and lodge here in Choma. Today some of the Church people are going to take us out for a lunch and some scenic adventure. We will see what comes up on the menu. All is well and we are enjoying our stay with our new company.

God bless you all.
