We’re leaving Zambia

Our time in the South Western part of Zambia is running out. In the morning we are heading towards Lusaka. Some of the pictures we shared shows the field trip we took yesterday. We went to Livingstone and had a look at one of the seven wonders of the World, the Victoria falls. It is a long ridge of waterfalls and quite a sight. Then we went to a historical museum and had a look at African history and the road towards indipendence, which they got back in 1964. Before that time it was called Rhodesia and was under British rule. It is a waste country, and much of it is still wilderness.

The biggest Country in Africa is still Congo, which we have not seen yet. Walking through history they were showing how people used to live way back in time, but when we see some of the conditions today, we can still see the same lifestyle and living conditions in many places. Some people just want to live in small villages away from the modern speeded up society. And when we travel to the different assemblies, we find people just as happy, and may be more happy in the rural ares, where there is no battle to try to live up to certain natural standards; like in the modern society.

I am just thinking about Wall Street and some people that commit suicide because they lost a few million dollars. Here in this part of the world, they could use some of these dollars; to lift up the standards of infra structure. But on the other side you will have to count the cost of the up following lifestyle that comes with it.
Since we are now living so,close to the coming of The Lord, soon this world will be able to see how it is really going to materialize. The coming age and the ruler ship of the transformed government is not going to bring us back to the Stone Age. Just wait and see. If we are part of the borne again body of Christ, we will all be in it; and be able to enjoy the marvelous plan that God had from the beginning of time. He will bring you up to the fullest of your expectation.

I can only imaging, what it will be, when Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine.

All is well!
